ACTIS Information Systems & Services S.A. was founded in March 1986 and is a Greek company. ACTIS´ activities are focused on the utilization of the Integrated Solutions for Knowledge Management technology and more specifically Enterprise Content Management Solutions, as well as Document Imaging Solutions. The company represents international, recognised products, and provides services to offer solutions that come up to the present and future needs of its customers.

ACTIS´ goal is to understand the needs and priorities of the customer in the area of Business Information Management and to provide efficient solutions with consistency, reliability and emphasis on service. ACTIS undertakes feasibility study, provision, installation, implementation and support of the specific Information Technology solutions, integrating the know-how and the long-term international experience of its staff.

Moreover, the company is involved in the development and management of real estate assets and in particular office, retail and residential buildings, in commercial areas, maintaining leases with corporate clients.

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